Newsletter 2022 No.2 | January 29
Dear fellow travelers.
It’s good to see you again! In this week’s newsletter, the protagonists are our brothers and sisters with special needs and how to involve them more in the synodal process. We are happy to be able to share stories and narratives from around the world as we continue to journey together.
Synodality & Disabilities
The Synod in the World
SCOTLAND, What you need to know
Sr Anna Maria McGuan RSM and Fr John Deighan oft he Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh...
US, Need to find a synodal conversation in US?
Your parish is not organising a synodal meeting? No worries. offers you hundreds...
FRANCE, The synod presented to young people
The "Youth and Vocations" Service of the French Bishops' Conference produced a short video to...
A Shared Story
Spot the Difference! … with the Logo
Spot the Difference! … with the Logo Our congratulation to the Anne Masters, FAAIDD head of the...
Share your story?