Monthly Day of Prayer for the Synod – August

The only authority is the authority of service. Lord, we prepare our hearts for the upcoming Synod Assembly. Journeying together is easy to say but not so easy to practice. Do we sometimes behave in your Church like the rulers of nations who lord over them and their...

Monthly Day of Prayer for the Synod – July

People who walk together… O Lord, You are the Way You want us to be a Pilgrim Church, a Church that walks with Christ, for Christ and in Christ. Grant us your Spirit of Love, so that we may go forward following your steps towards the heavenly Kingdom. Help us to live...

Monthly Day of Prayer for the Synod – June

A compassionate Heart Heart of Jesus, here we are, before You, who are the very essence of compassion. We feel the urgency to learn from You, from your merciful Heart. We accept your invitation to be a Church to all and for all. A Church in which a word gives us...

Monthly day of prayer for the Synod – May

Formation for synodality Jesus Christ, the model teacher we wish to follow, we bring before you the desires of those who today have chosen to follow you, consecrating their lives to your service, and are being formed for such a beautiful vocation. Send your Spirit...

Monthly day of prayer for the Synod – April

Being People of God Lord Jesus Christ, our brother and friend, on this day of your Resurrection, we have so much to celebrate and to rejoice in. You have chosen us, we are your People, the chosen. We are called and sent to be the Church that walks in communion with...

Monthly day of prayer for the Synod – March

Synodal Chruch in mission What does the Church need today? She needs saints, witnesses moved by grace ready to take risks to live out the Gospel. O Lord, we want to be a Synodal Chruch in mission where our missionary option is capable of transforming everything. Give...
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