Brevi Contributi Teologici per l’Assemblea sinodale 2023

Monthly day of prayer for the Synod – April

Being People of God

Lord Jesus Christ, our brother and friend,
on this day of your Resurrection,
we have so much to celebrate
and to rejoice in.
You have chosen us,
we are your People, the chosen.
We are called and sent to be the Church
that walks in communion with you.
Yet this is not a privilege,
but a gift to be shared,
a vocation, a mission, a responsibility.
Send your Spirit upon us,
to bear witness with deeds
to this gift of being your followers,
in whom you place your love and confidence.
May our lives help others
to know you and accept your love.
May the life of the whole Church reflect
your style, your way, and your gestures.
May the synodal style be incarnated in us,
walking together, listening to each other,
giving ourselves to one another.

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