Brevi Contributi Teologici per l’Assemblea sinodale 2023

Monthly day of prayer for the Synod – March

Synodal Chruch in mission

What does the Church need today?
She needs saints, witnesses moved by grace
ready to take risks to live out the Gospel.
O Lord, we want to be a Synodal Chruch in mission
where our missionary option is capable
of transforming everything.
Give us the grace to be courageous
in our missionary commitment,
so that everything in Church
and also those of us who make her up,
may be a suitable channel
for the Evangelization of today’s world.
A synodal Church is also a missionary Church,
thus we want to be brave witnesses,
collaborators in your mission, bearers of your light,
capable of giving our lives each day
so that Your Life may reach all our brothers and sisters.
Give us your love and your grace!

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