Singapore actions also proposed online

Singapore actions also proposed online

From various places and institutions of the Church, we receive interesting proposals for online forms, in which people, individually or in groups, are invited to submit their reflections and proposals related to the Synod. The Synod Secretariat of the Archdiocese of...
Three testimonies of homosexual couples

Three testimonies of homosexual couples

The story, we are sharing, is actually three stories-testimonies that the synod leader of Immaculate Conception Parish in Hendersonville, North Carolina, USA, Noelle Therese Thompson, collected during synod conversations with same-sex couples in presence and online....
Singapore: resources for synodal dialogue with children

Singapore: resources for synodal dialogue with children

The Archdiocese of Singapore doesn’t also want to leave anyone out of the Synod, so the Archdiocesan Synod Committee has developed a series of materials for children to participate in the Synod process. Peta Chan of the Synod Secretariat in Singapore tells us...
National Catholic Reporter comparte el himno sinodal

National Catholic Reporter comparte el himno sinodal

ENFRITESPT You all remember that one of our last newsletters was dedicated to music, or to the compositions created by various entities to animate the synodal process. The musical newsletter was well received, with messages of gratitude and messages of sharing new...