18 January 2024

Synod Mondays

Format: Website
Type: Formation material, Synod Events
Organisation: Organisation / Association /Movement

Processes, figures and institutions of a synodal Church

The Apulian Theological Faculty is organising, as part of the synodal journey of the Churches in Italy, a thematic path divided into three steps in which some processes, some figures and some institutions proper to a synodal Church will be explored.

This Seminar of Studies will take place in stages: every Monday between April and May, from 3pm to 4.30pm.
Through 9 online sessions, the participants will be able to deepen theologically and from the point of view of canon law some nodal themes related to synodality in the Church such as differentiated co-responsibility, leadership in the Church, participatory bodies…
For more information: https://www.facoltateologica.it/seminario-per-una-chiesa-sinodale_intro.php