1 December 2023

Diversity and Unity: Rethinking the munus docendi of Episcopal Conferences in a global church

Format: Texts & Image
Type: Synod Events
Organisation: Organisation / Association /Movement

The Peter and Paul Seminar, an international research group of theologians and canon lawyers, focusing on necessary reforms of canon law in light of Vatican II, cordially is organising a book launch of the Italian translation of its study project:

Diversità e unità: ripensare il munus docendi delle conferenze episcopali in una chiesa mondiale, Gilles Routhier, Myriam Wijlens (eds), Milano:  EDB 2023. (Table of content attached)

This project was originally published as: Diversity and Unity: Rethinking the Teaching Office of the Episcopal Conference in a World Wide Church – Studia canonica 53 (2019) vol. 1.

The book launch event in Rome (or digital  by Zoom / YouTube) on December 2, 2023 10.00-11.30 H. (Rome time)

Speakers include Cardinal Oswald Gracias, Archbishop Roberto Repole and Prof. Alphonse Borras.

This study project will be discussed in light of the Synthesis ReportA Synodal Church in Mission issued by the XVI General Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops (2023).

The event will be in Italian / English with simultaneous translation.

 See also our website: https://www.uni-erfurt.de/en/katholisch-theologische-fakultaet/professuren-lektorate/praktisch/canon-law/profile-and-research/peter-and-paul-seminar

For further information: peterandpaul.seminar@gmail.com