Under the inspiration of Pope Francis, the Catholic Church is experimenting with new forms of synodality that take more seriously the role of the member of the People of God.
Although this concept of synodality is not entirely new and has a solid foundation in the reflection of the Second Vatican Council, the fact that it is supported and inspired by the Pope has released new energies among the faithful. This has resulted, among other things, in an explosion of books, articles and courses on synodality.
The bibliography, which we are presenting to you, is an instrument that makes possible to follow the rapid increase of the academic production over the last decade. It lists about 700 academic publications on synodality for the period 2013-2022 in four languages: English, French, German and Spanish. The publications are classified by year and or by alphabetical order. A methodological introduction explains the choices that were made, including the delimitations of the corpus.
Written by the Jesuit Father Jos Moos SJ, this biography is a valuable tool for cross-cutting thematic studies.
The bibliography is published by the Cahiers Internationaux de Théologie Pratique (CITP) and will be updated regularly.
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