PRO ORIENTE and Angelicum Pontifical University held a series of Conferences in Rome entitled “Listening to the East” on Synodality in the Life and Mission of the Orthodox and Ancient Oriental Churches.
A series of three international ecumenical conferences ended in Rome on Nov. 26, which focused on Orthodox and Ancient Oriental theologies, practices, and experiences of synodality, aiming at making these experiences accessible for the synodal process of the Catholic Church. The organizers of the conferences “Listening to the East” were the Vienna-based PRO ORIENTE Foundation and the Institute for Ecumenical Studies (IES) of the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum) in Rome, where the conference also took place.
First conference: Orthodox speakers appreciate the Catholic Church’s approach of listening to them
The first conference on “Synodality in the Life and Mission of the Eastern Orthodox Church” took place from Nov. 2-5.
Second conference: Assyrian Patriarch welcomes Catholic Reflection Process on Papacy
A second conference took place at the Angelicum on Nov. 23/24, dealing with “Synodality in the Syriac Orthodox and Church of the East Traditions”.
Third conference: Great richness of Christian diversity
The last conference was dedicated to the synodal experiences of the Oriental Orthodox Churches and took place on Nov. 25/26 in Rome.
The full detailled report is available here in English and it is very useful for those particularly interested in ecumenism … and synodality.
All the photos have the following credit: © PRO ORIENTE