19 May 2022

Synodal process entrusted to the mediation of Our Lady of Częstochowa

Format: Texts & Image
Type: Consultation Method, Synod Events
Organisation: Archdiocese / Diocese

In Poland, too, the dioceses are carrying out the synodal process. The first meeting of Synod leaders and delegates was held in Jasna Góra, an important Marian shrine dedicated to the Black Madonna of Częstochowa, where the work of the Synod was entrusted to Mary.

It was the Archbishop of Jasna Góra, Wacław Depo, Metropolitan of Częstochowa, who asked in the chapel of the Black Madonna, during the celebration of the Mass, for Mary’s intercession for the synodal journey that the Polish Church was also about to undertake.

“Through the maternal mediation of Mary, we entrust to Christ this great work of the Church’s [synodal] journey, so that it may walk in truth and love through our witness. The common good without truth is a destructive lie. Let us entrust everything to Christ,’ encouraged Bishop Wacław Depo. In a message, the Metropolitan of Częstochowa said: ‘The Church hopes, first of all, to devote all its energies to proclaiming the truth about the cross and the resurrection of Christ to the younger generations. The Synod aims to listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit, to strengthen the unity of faith and morals of the Church. We need each other. It is a time of unique and common attention’.