The Catholic University of America in Washington DC is hosting synod sessions. The last session is scheduled for 27 April. The University has even created a specific page on the Synod where the president of the Catholic University, John Garvey, invites “the entire university community to ‘walk together’ as we join the global Church in this discernment, for the good of our University and in service to the mission of the whole Church”.
The two sessions, already held since the beginning of this semester, have reflected on the themes “Healing and Reconciliation” and “The Challenges We Face as a University”. The session on 27 April will deal with “The role of the university in the mission of the Church”.
The apostolic nuncio to the United States, Archbishop Christophe Pierre, attended the first session and noted that the synodal process “is not just an exercise in reorganising the Church. It is for [the Church] to become Church.” “A synodal Church takes seriously its members to whom the Spirit has given a true sense of faith,” Archbishop Pierre said.
Sara Perla, communications director for the Catholic Project developed by the Catholic University, noted that “participation in the synodal process is an opportunity for all members of the university community to come together and talk about the things that matter: our faith, our hopes, our wounds and our failures. As a vital part of the universal Catholic Church, together we want to ask God to show us how we can serve him more faithfully.
“All are welcome,” invites the Catholic University at
Then see the beginning of the synodal process in the Catholic University of America at this address: