With the motto: “From the heart we look with gratitude, we live with passion and we build with Hope”, the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts in Chile invited all the educational communities of Sts. Manquehue (Santiago), SS.CC. Viña del Mar, SS.CC. Concepción and San Damián de Molokai (Valparaíso) to participate in the SS.CC. Educational Synod. (2021-2022), which aims to create a meeting place to reflect on the Education of the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts and its contribution to the Church, to Chile and to the world over the next 20 years.This unprecedented initiative in the history of the congregation, convened by the Provincial Superior of Chile-Argentina, René Cabezón, wants to accept the invitation of Pope Francis, when he indicates that “the path of synodality is the path that God expects of the Church in the third millennium”. This is the way, they welcome the Pope’s call to “discern a new way of being and doing of the Church today”, assuming the Global Educational Pact in particular.
This path is divided into the following “synodal times”:
“Listening/Dialoguing“: the actions are oriented to recognise their own journey and to live a spiritual experience around their educational history. Preparing the synodal arrangements. What they would like to happen and what they would not like to happen. Invite the participation of religious and lay people.
“Scrutinise/Propose/Focus“: to be implemented in the first half of 2022. Actions are being taken to recognise relationships and identities, yearnings and possible horizons, facilitate and reflect on issues.
“Identifying/Acting“: to be implemented in July and August 2022. In this case, it will be a question of giving recognition and validation to the synodal process: the religious and educational community knows the results and works on them.
In these different phases of the synod, participatory methodologies are being used, such as: online surveys, conversations with more specific groups, questionnaires, virtual dialogues, in-depth interviews, meetings and exchanges between those who make up the different educational communities. Website of the Educational Synod of the Congregation of the Holy Cross: https://sinodoeducacion.sscc.cl/