15 March 2022

The path from wound to listening

Format: Videos / Audio
Type: Formation material, Synod Events
Organisation: Religious Congregation

On the occasion of the celebration of 500 years since the conversion of St Ignatius and 400 years since his canonisation and the canonisation of St Francis Xavier, the Portughese Ignatian Family hold a meeting at the Shrine of Fatima with a contribution from Sr Nathalie Becquart, xmcj (member of the Congregation of the Xavieran Sisters and Undersecretary of the General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops). The topic of her address was A conversation to deepen and relate Ignatius’ conversion and Pope Francis’ call to a synodal journey as a way of being and living in Church.

The recording of this meeting (in Portuguese) is available here.