On International Women’s Day, the Latin American Episcopal Council (CELAM) has launched the continental campaign “We are agents of change“, an initiative to make visible the results of the listening process of the Ecclesial Assembly of Latin America and the Caribbean.
We are listening, meditation and loving action We are women! Agents of Change. The Ecclesial Assembly left us with great challenges, among them, to make visible the creative and driving action of change towards a synodal Church from the feminine point of view.
We say, present! At the service of an outgoing Church, for the right of all to a life free of violence and discrimination. #DíaInternacionaldelaMujer #GestorasdelCambio
Attached is also:
The editorial (in Spanish) by Bishop Miguel Cabrejos, President of Celam on El protagonismo de la mujer en la Iglesia y en la sociedad (The protagonism of women in the Church and in the Society), in the framework of the opening of the campaign Mujeres gestoras del cambio.
The editorial was published in Mission Celam (in Spanish)