24 February 2022

The Diocese of Graz-Seckau held its Pre-Synodal Assembly online.

Format: Texts & Image
Type: Synod Events
Organisation: Archdiocese / Diocese

The process towards the 2023 Synod of Bishops began for the Diocese of Graz-Seckau on 17 October 2021 with a celebration of the Word. At the same time, the survey process began, which ran until 9 January 2022 and in which 1790 people took part; a good third of them had no church affiliation. The evaluation of the survey was followed by the presynodal assembly of the diocese held last 5 February with 120 participants from various areas.

The outcomes of the survey and the assembly will be released by the Priests’ and Diocesan Council in April and brought together with the results of the other Austrian dioceses in the Bishops’ Conference in the summer.