We have begun an important process in the Catholic Churches in the Holy Land, invited by His Holiness Pope Francis to a synod. His Holiness has proposed to all the faithful throughout the world to engage in this synod. It focuses on setting out on a journey together, listening to one another and growing in communion, strengthening participation of all and engaging more enthusiastically in the mission of the Church. As we walk together, we realize yet again that we do not walk alone.
The aim of this synod is to renew our Church at a time when we face so many crises at every level. The pandemic has had tragic effects on the life of the Church. The political situation continues to create innumerable obstacles to our mission and in the lives of our faithful. Our faithful are exhausted and often despair, seeing little or no future for Christians in our region. We all need to renew our energies, recommit to our faith and believe that walking with Christ leads to a horizon of hope.
His Holiness Pope Francis has invited us to engage in a first level of this Synod at the local level. This stage will continue until the beginning of September 2022. During this time, our parishes, Christian institutions, congregations and movements will be walking the synodal way together. We will be keeping track of what is going on in order to write a full report on the state of the Church at the end of these months. We will then move to regional, continental and finally international levels of the process so that a new way of being Church can be initiated, a way that draws upon the calls and the gifts of all members in the Body of Christ.