Webinar: How the Ignatian family can contribute to the Synod

How can the Ignatian family contribute to the Synod?

The Synod on Synodality is now in its diocesan phase. All over the world, dioceses, parishes, church-related movements and organisations are engaging in conversations to discern where the Holy Spirit is inviting the Church. The wish of the Pope is that the greatest possible number of persons participate, and in particular those on the margins, whose voice is rarely heard. As members of the Ignatian family, we are gifted with spiritual practices meant to help us to align our lives and work with the promptings of the Holy Spirit, at work in all things. We also strive to reach out and walk with those on the margins of society or the Church. As such, we have lots to offer!

In this webinar the Service for Discernment in Common will provide information on the Synod, present tools and processes to help participants feel better equipped and get involved.

The Webinar will be in English (with French simultaneous translation)

To register: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Ojxn9WNtTyWlBVq9SAeskA

See the flyer!

L'événement est terminé.

Étiquettes :


Jan 18 2022


11:00 - 12:30


Online Event

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