Following the invitation of the members of the XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops for an integral formation for all members of the People of God in the synodal style and mentality (IL 59), theologian Sr. Béatrice Faye, CIC, facilitator-expert at the Assembly last October, has set up a school of synodality open to all.
Through thirteen modules corresponding to thirteen online work sessions, participants will touch on different aspects useful for the synodal conversion of the Church.
A detailed programme of the School of Synodality is available in French (see below).
The first module will be opened by Sr Nathalie Becquart XMCJ and the biblical scholar Fr Paul Béré S.J. and will focus on the synodal practices of listening and discernment. To find out more, see the poster.
This course is free. To register please fill the FORM.