Brevi Contributi Teologici per l’Assemblea sinodale 2023

Monthly day of prayer for the Synod – December

Other Christs like You

Jesus Christ, Lord and Friend of all,
we want that the synodal style that you invite us to live
pervades our way of acting.
May no one feel separated from your Church
which is the home to all and for all.
Lord, your life in the world has taught us
that we have to place people
at the heart of our decisions.
That’s why we ask you to help us to let everybody to participate,
each one according to their talents and strengths.
Let our gaze upon our brothers and sisters
be focused on their possibilities and not on their limitations.
Let us not leave anyone on the side of the road
because of their limitations, whatever may they be.
Make us welcoming, compassionate and creative people,
who can make everybody to feel the call to build the Kingdom
with their talents and their gift of life.

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