We invite you to have one or more spiritual conversations based on the following questions related to some parts of the IL (cf methodology described on the figure at the end of Part A of the IL)
A way forward the synodal Church: the conversation in the Spirit
IL 34. In the local churches, conversation in the Spirit has been accepted and sometimes “discovered” as providing the atmosphere that makes possible the sharing of life experiences and the space for discernment in a synodal Church. In the final documents of the CAs, it is described as a Pentecostal moment, as an opportunity to experience being Church and to move from listening to our brothers and sisters in Christ to listening to the Spirit, who is the authentic protagonist, and being sent forth in mission by Him. At the same time, through this method, the grace of the Word and the Eucharist becomes a felt, actualised and transforming reality, which attests to and realises the initiative by which the Lord Jesus makes himself present and active in the Church. Christ sends us out in mission and gathers us around himself to give thanks and glory to the Father in the Holy Spirit. Hence from all continents comes the request that this method may increasingly animate and inform the daily life of the churches.
- How do we practice or not already conversation in the Spirit in our synodal team? In our local church?
- Does the description made in this part help us to integrate better what is at stake with this methodology
IL 42. Bearing in mind the significance of conversation in the Spirit to animate the lived experience of the synodal Church, formation in this method, and in particular of facilitators capable of accompanying communities in practising it, is perceived as a priority at all levels of ecclesial life and for all the baptised, starting with ordained ministers in a spirit of co-responsibility and openness to different ecclesial vocations. Formation for conversation in the Spirit is formation to be a synodal Church.
- Have we already identify some good facilitators “capable of accompanying communities in practising it”?
- What could we do concretely to train more and more people in spiritual conversation in our local church ?
- What kind of formation for conversation in the Spirit we could imagine and propose in the coming year?