The CVS (Centro Volontari della Sofferenza), informed that it will join the prayer of the Pope and the whole Church for the synod process to bear fruits of hope and mission next 31 May at the conclusion of the Marian month.
The CVS is an Association of sick and healthy people who recognise, in following the crucified and risen Christ, the possibility of living the experience of suffering without succumbing to discouragement, disappointment or desertion. The Association was founded by Bishop Luigi Novarese in 1947.
The CVS was born first and foremost as a concrete response to the drama of human suffering, which very often leads man to distance himself from his Creator. In the suffering offered by the sick person one recognises a participation in the paschal mystery of Christ which makes him an apostle and therefore a firstfruit and prophecy for the valorisation of every form of suffering present in human life.
From the prayer booklet
Holy Father, who in the path of the Church
pilgrim on earth, you have placed as a luminous sign
the Blessed Virgin Mary, through her intercession
sustain our faith and revive our hope
so that no obstacle may make us deviate
from the road that leads to salvation.
Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Download the prayer booklet (in Italian) prepared by the CVS.