The Permanent Council of the Portuguese Bishops’ Conference, at its meeting in May and following on from what was discussed at the last Plenary Assembly, suggested that a moment of marian prayer to entrust October Synod Assembly and to pray so that the Synodal Way may be an authentic moment of renewal for the Church, is to be extended to all Christian and religious communities during the celebrations on 31 May, and not only in Marian shrines.
In this regard, the Episcopal Commission for Liturgy and Spirituality has prepared some prayer resources (available in Portughese):
- a proposed Prayer of the Faithful to be used during Eucharistic celebrations;
- a suggested Prayer of the Rosary with comments and special prayers (A4 format – A5 format).
The Bishops’ Conference also informs that a special Prayer of the Rosary will take place at 6.30pm (local time) next May 31st at the Chapel of the Apparitions of the Shrine of Fatima which will transmitted by radio and television channels.