Brevi Contributi Teologici per l’Assemblea sinodale 2023

Slovenia – Celje diocese prepared a May Novena

The Diocese of Celje, Slovenia, ask the people of God of the diocese to include prayer for the Synod in their devotions throughout the month of May. A Slovenian folk devotion in May is the prayer called “šmarnice” (eng. Lily of the walley, lat.Convallaria majalis) – these are flowers that bloom in May in Slovenia and remind of the beauty of Mother Mary. The flower’s name itself comes from slovenian for “St. Mary”. In our parishes we gather every day in May and pray together to our Mother Mary.

These year, the diocese has prepared short prayer prompts from the from the Synodal texts and daily Word of God for each day of the month of May, which help the faithful to awaken the awareness that they are all the Church and that they are on the journey together. The faithful will pray for enlightenment and openness to the Holy Spirit, with Mary at our side and under her protection.

The diocese is sharing some photos of their prayers “šmarnice” and a text for novena prayers before our feast 31 May, when local faithful will join together in prayer and in the celebration of Holy mass with their Bishop Maksimilijan Matjaž in their Marian Shrine in Olimje, Slovenia, where pilgrims and representatives of the whole diocese will gather before Mary, the Companion of the Way, in prayer for the synodal renewal of our Church.

The dedicated webpage of the event:

The Facebook page