Brevi Contributi Teologici per l’Assemblea sinodale 2023

Monthly Day of Prayer for the Synod – September

Jesus Christ, our Brother and Friend,
who taught us to address to God as a Father,
leaving us simple words of your encounter with Him,
receive our desire to live this Synodal Path
as a time of personal and community prayer, a prayer of closeness.

We can do nothing without your “living and active” Word,
that pierces our hearts and discerns our thoughts.

May the encounter with Your Sharp Word
set us free from being a nice Church convention
without Your grace and far from You.

Guide this Synodal Path
and turn it into a healing process and a grace-filled event.

Help us to be pilgrims in love with the Gospel,
seekers of You, and with the conviction
that You always come with your love to meet us first.


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