Brevi Contributi Teologici per l’Assemblea sinodale 2023

Monthly day of prayer for the Synod – December

Good Father… Thanks for this season of grace!
Thanks for this time for praying, meditating, and building
the Church that you dream and in which we want to live!
The Synod is a Season of grace…
The grace of walking together in a listening Church,
where we listen to one another and to the Holy Spirit.
Thanks for inspiring us in the art of encounter and of availability,
as You taught us through your gesture with the rich young man!
Thanks for congregating us in the communion with your Body and Blood!
Thanks for helping us to be a listening Church, making a pause
of our routines and pastoral concerns!
Thanks for your words of Life that set us free
from disenchantment!
Thanks for moving us to search for
“living this Synodal Path” and not being a nice Church convention!
May the Nativity scene be the model of Church; let us embrace your Birth,
so that You are born within our hearts time after time,
giving birth to a Church called to serve the Kingdom of God.

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