7 May 2023

CCBI – Liturgical Resources for the Diocesan Marian Devotion on 31 May 2023

Format: Texts & Image
Type: Formation material, Liturgy, Synod Events
Organisation: Bishops' Conference

Mary and We on the Synodal Journey – Traveling, Greeting, Proclaiming Liturgical Resources for the Diocesan Marian Devotion on 31 May 2023

With the Blessed Virgin Mary towards

the XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod
Synod for a Synodal Church 2021-2024

The Conference of Catholic Bishops of India has prepared a very useful Liturgical Resources to animate the diocesan Marian devotion next May, 31.  The liturgical kit has been sent to all the Dioceses, and the Diocesan Contact Persons were introduced to the same in an online meeting. The liturgical resource contains 4 models of celebration: the first includes the celebration of vespers; the second with eucharistic adoration and vespers; the third with the Holy Rosary and with the Holy Mass.